Tuesday, September 19, 2006

work and play

bambi and the boring machine
bambi bores mortise

chris double digs a row in the garden

a quick "shower"

new peas
dhami boo's peas sprouting

i'm back this week just today. we're in the middle of a work week and about a dozen faeries are on the land now gardening and timber framing. the weather has been fantastic with days near 90 degrees, sunshine and light winds to cool. we'll be receiving new timbers from a local sawyer tomorrow that become the front posts of the kitchen. the sawyer will be cutting more timber for us to complete the project later in the week. hopefully this week we can get the plumber up to do rough in work so that foundation work can proceed.

the sight of faeries working and playing in our new space, which is quickly transforming from a rough patch into a beautiful faerie-sculpted garden has taken my breath away more than a few times.


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